Looking Back
first litter born in 1972
Our first 2 westie litters
Shinny was from our first litter

She did rather well for me,

her novice owner
Samoya's Shinloch Sheila
Then we paid a visit to the Lasara kennels in the UK
Ch Lasara Linda Belle
Lasara Lysander
Lasara Lotta Lasara Lincoln
Lotta and Lincoln the original pair I had hoped to get a  dog puppy from.

But it wasn't to be and I asked for one from Corinne and Lincoln
And soon  Lasara Lots Of Fun joined the pack

He was born on 17-10-1973
Fun about 6 month
Fun and Shinny did well as a couple at the shows
Fun became Dutch Ch. Lasara Lots Of Fun JW '74 W'75

Here you can see him as he looked at some of his shows
Our dutch pups sired by Fun
In 1976 Fun, Shinny and me moved to the UK 

where we joined Barbara Graham as a partner in the Lasara Kennels
Photo Diane Pearce

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